Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The needle (again)

I finally found some of these old pictures last weekend and scanned them again. This atleast will give a larger picture than the ones I had before. I really like this photo and during this time, I had a lot of micro pictures like this. Pictures of a stylus of grampahone, ants, treads in cloth...all sorts of stuff. These were taken with what are called macro fittings that can go in front of the regular lens. It was a manual camera..but a Nikon nevertheless. I think the camera was made in 1980 or something.
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arvindh said...

That is so interesting. I would like to see the other pictures too! Nothing to beat the good old SLRs for creative shots - or I think I am just nostalgic for those days!

Anonymous said...


I haven't stopped by here in a while, and realized I've been missing out on a lot of your work. This one's absolutely lovely! I had seen it the last time you posted it in a smaller size, but this one's undoubtedly better. Loved the sepia tones of it!

Also, a question for you. The twin candles picture you talked about, I cannot seem to find the 'brightness lowered' version of it on your blog? Can you possibly link to it? As for the spotting on it, it clearly seems like dust on the scanner. You should be able to Photoshop the spots out quite easily though.

Kudos once again! And hope you're doing well.